
Friday, June 18, 2021


Another in the occiasional series of ::

Videodrome :: Wild At Heart

(Welcome to Videodrome. A recurring column plumbing the depths of vintage and contemporary cinema – from cult, exploitation, trash and grindhouse to sci-fi, horror, noir, documentary and beyond.) 

Great article (as ever) this one by e hehr

Wild At Heart is a love story that barrels down a strange highway through the twisted modern world,” David Lynch said of his 1990 film. “There are very tender moments, and there are very violent moments. And then there’s confusion and despair, and then suddenly – you’re in love. There’s got to be room for all of these things…film, in my mind, should have contrast to it. It should have many different kinds of feelings all weaving their way throughout.”

A lifelong painter, Lynch began drawing as a young child long before considering film. His mother, Edwina Lynch, would buy crayons and coloring books for his siblings, but not for young David. He was supplied with blank sheets of paper, no lines to color within. Lynch would later attribute this to his mother recognizing his innate artistic abilities: “Somehow a really beautiful thing came to her that those [coloring books] would be restrictive and kill some kind of creativity…boundaries will screw you.”


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