
Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Eric Clapton Isn't Just Spouting Vaccine Nonsense—He's Bankrolling It! (Rolling Stone)

 Depressing news from the Rolling Stone t'other day and I was really hoping the brouhaha over Eric Clapton and his anti-vaccine support (note: he has had all his jabs and is currently touring!?!) would die down after he thought a while. Apparently not!

This from Rolling Stone is worth a read and remember do not despair, finding out your heroes are in fact idiots is increasingly common and seemingly just a part of growing up! Van Morrison please take note. . . . . . . .they are both funding the laughable Jam For Freedom (not the best name for a bunch of would be radical revolutionaries who seem to have a very slim grasp on what freedom might actually constitute!?)
I might start a group called Jam For Tea! (Stop it now, - ED)

Meanwhile . . . . .always worth remembering Rock Against Racism was born of trying to counter his then racist drunken tirades during his concerts in the 70s - so grateful for small mercies eh?! !! I have now got rid of all my Clapton records FWIW

Death rate in the UK from Covid is currently 28 per day and well over a hundred per week although there is evidence it is actually quite a lot higher (get your research probes into that one you agitprop radical freedom fighters!) * last seven days 780 Death total to date 138,000 although it is more like over 160,000


  1. What was "The Last Good E.C. Album?" "Me and Mr. Johnson?" and that's half-assed at best. Maybe Ginger Baker should of knocked the shit out of him instead of Jack Bruce

  2. Fair point! Good call about last good album too! Can’t remember the last one I actually bought . . . . .thanks as ever for dropping by Brither Jobe!
