
Monday, October 03, 2022

So who's this? . . . . . . . . .

Paul McCartney When and how did you first get into yoga?

Paul: I like yoga, and I practice when I can. I think I first got into it when we were with the Maharishi in Rishikesh, in India. There was a bit of it there and there were people – some of his colleagues - who were very good at it, and I got a bit interested. Through the years I’ve just learned a couple of tricks, like a headstand! 

For years I used to do it with some friends in the Hamptons. We called ourselves ‘The Yoga Boys’ even though we were old crocks! It was fun – we met up a few times a week and did it together. In fact, the picture that I put up online recently of John Eastman and I was at one of those sessions. He was a ‘Yoga Boy’. You mentioned the headstand, but have you got any other favourite poses? 

Paul: Not really. The headstand is my show-off moment when I'm in the gym and there are a lot of guys doing big weights and I'm doing weedy weights. I can’t do what they’re doing as they’re flexing their big muscles, so at the end of my session I finish off with the headstand and they often come over and say, ‘Hey, that’s pretty impressive’! [Paul laughs] It’s pathetic really! No, it’s good to do and I was once told by a yoga teacher that it keeps you young. You turn all your body organs upside down and seeing as for the rest of the day they’re either lying flat in bed or standing upright and got gravity pulling them down, apparently the inversion is supposed to be good. But it’s fun to do too!

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