
Monday, October 03, 2022

– The Spying Game – Part Four : THE LABOUR FILES | Al Jazeera

 Oh and there's more  . . . . . . . . . . like the Stasi and the KGB that sits on your landings in the hotels (hateful jokes about Stalin killing his enemy Trotsky with an icepick? at Diane Abbott's expense? REALLY!? what species are you? Morons!) They'll be tapping your phones and hacking your emails and following your children to school next! 

Oh wait . . . . . . . . .

– The Spying Game – 

There's a Part Four to the The Labour Files from Al Jazeera that's even more sinister than the last lot (if that's possible?)

Parts 1 - 3 here and they really are essential viewing (especially in the UK  . . . or even)

Thanks are due to:

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