
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Track of the Day II (again from Guess I'm Dumb!) TRACY THORN :: Dreamy

  • Track Name


  • Album

    A Distant Shore

  • Artist

    Tracey ThornThorn’s first solo album, which reached number two in the UK Indie Chart in 1983. All the songs in the album were written by Tracey Thorn except for “Femme Fatale”, which is a Velvet Underground cover.

“Dreamy” by Tracey Thorn, from A Distant Shore

Released 1982 Thorn’s first solo album, which reached number two in the UK Indie Chart in 1983. All the songs in the album were written by Tracey Thorn except for “Femme Fatale”, which is a Velvet Underground cover.

from the wonderful Guess I'm Dumb not content with blowing me away with the Professor Longhair yesterday or the Dusty Springfield from before that, they do it again by at the other end of the spectrum of music with an early Tracy Thorn track from another album I bought when it came out back in '82! 


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