
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

XTC Miniclips : Life Begins as The Hop + 1979! THIS IS POP!

XTC - Life Begins At The Hop (Drums And Wires, 1979)

XTC - Berg en Bosch Apeldoorn 1980

This video reminded me I bought the VHS tape of this single (ask your Grandparents!!) when it came out and the album of course. Still the loudest band I ever heard at the New Theatre here, my ears ringing for several days afterward. They were great though. A favourite pair of songsmiths in Andy and Colin, a favourite drummer in Terry too!

So I though I would post the full video too
The girl in the black and white zebra dress really had trouble staying in it but hey, they all look like they were having fun!!!

thanks to Tribal Gathering for posting

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