
Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Lowell and Ry - just an opinion (for a visitor)

 For Bruce Brooker 

Thanks for dropping by Bruce and I take your point but believe they were much more in the producer mentor category to Ry’s maestro and his style is very competent but apart from a few hits with Little Feat I didn’t really dig Lowell as much as the master!
Just an opinion . . . . . . . .as Ry points out here you can only do so much and you have to concentrate on your own schtick!
And surely we are all the better for it.
Lowell’s death is absolutely tragic and and have seen many go a similar way but he was driven by demons, the binge eating and alcoholism accompanied with the speed balls of heroin and cocaine will do that.  Who knows what he might have gone on to achieve had he received help?!

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