
Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Sound of the Day :: RIPLEY JOHNSON’S Rose City Band ‘Chasing Rainbows’ from their album Garden Party

Rose City Band - Chasing Rainbows (2023)

Wonderful country psych. Rose City Band are basically guitarist Ripley Johnson (Wooden Shjips/Moon Duo) with various others, including Barry Walker Jr.  on some great steel pedal guitar.  


Love that country rock sound . . . . . . . . . .

again from the excellent Guess I’m Dumb

speaking of rainbows!

Full rainbow taken at 30,000 feet by pilot Lloyd J. Ferraro. 

Rainbows are actually complete circles, but we only see half the arc from the earth.

Not being of a scientific bent I don’t understand this but how we never see the bottom half but hey, I can appreciate the beauty of this staggering shot!


  1. Wow that's really nice. Sounds like Jorma on vocals

  2. Isn’t it great? Pleased you like it too! I am ashamed to say I knew nought of Ripley Johnson and his several projects but this sounded fab!

    Thanks for dropping by Jobe

  3. Oh come on Swappers keep up😂😂

    All three of Ripley’s band are great. I prefer the most recent Wooden Shijps to some of the early stuff.

    Desert Rose ...just a joy all four albums

  4. Sorry Sealyman! I am very elderly by now and trying my best!!?!!!
