portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Friday, February 02, 2024

INTERESTING READING : Taylor Swift at The Super Bowl | N.M. Ramirez: ROLLING STONE


 Why MAGA fears Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl | Salon.com)
Nikki McCann Ramirez at the Rolling Stone

documented how MAGA influencers kept claiming the Super Bowl is “the Democrats’ Taylor Swift election interference psyop” and the Super Bowl is “totally scripted” to “elect Joe Biden WW3 will likely follow in a 2nd Biden term and millions will die.”

…If that sounds like a cult leader feeling threatened by the outside world, well that’s no coincidence. The Swift hatred resembles the argument that cults and other high-control groups make to their followers: cut off all contact with the outside world, abandon everything that gives you joy and pleasure, and dedicate your entire life to the cult’s ideology. Trump and his henchmen sound like David Koresh or Warren Jeffs for a reason. The MAGA media system, wittingly or not, leans heavily on a favourite tactic of cult leaders: painting the outside world as a threat. Paranoia and alienation are a cult leader’s best friends. After all, if the followers discover people outside the group are normal and happy, they might start questioning the cult leader and seeking ways to escape. So it’s best to make them afraid to even look out of their own windows.


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