portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Monday, May 13, 2024

Start the week with one for Mr Mumbles! | THE BEST OF AMERICA! | Los Lobos : One Time One Night

One Time One NightLos LobosBy the Light of the Moonimage

A quiet voice is singing something to me
An age old song about the home of the brave
In this land here of the free
One time one night in

This one a dedication to all my American visitors here and especially monsieur mumbles dupree who dropping by to comment on the Georgia O’Keefe quote!

This one’s for you . . . . . .  


mumbles dupree said...

Hi Andy. This is almost unbelievable for me on 2 fronts. First, I saw Los Lobos the first time of many times, at a bar in Pojoaque, NM, the Line Camp (also on the road from yesterday's post), in 1984 (I think), promoting Will The Wolf Survive. It was fantastic, they were (& still are) incredible. My wife & I saw them every chance we got. Love Los Lobos.
AND second, relates to your next post about Talking Heads, they were always my wife's favorite band! She got to see them more than I ever did, but we saw David Byrne many times thru the years and every single time it was great.
Also I can't believe that I'm the only one that does read your blog, however I kinda have been dominating your comments section lately. Thank you so much for your blog. You rock. You are so kind. You have great taste. You might have to change the blog name to ............the blog everybody reads! Kidding. Outrageous

Andy Swapp said...

Great stuff mumbles! Love the synchronicity and shared taste is always a joy.
I cannot recall how I discovered Los Lobos now but Will The Wolf Survive was a purchase when it came out over here . . . and while I guess they went off the boil a little from these heady days I still really dig the band

As for Byrne and Talking Heads they remain a favourite band of all time and whilst Brian Eno was the source and common denominator and he acted as an external visiting lecturer to us at the School of Art in Leicester under my tutor the composer Gavin Bryars, I remain loyal to all of the connected musicians and play all their musics more frequently than most!

Keep the flag flying high and as always feel free to comment whenever you so wish!

NB People have in the past had cause to comment about the title of my little blog and it is really an in joke between me and the guy who took my portrait for the blog on the header my dear and oldest of friends DOP and filmmakker Stephen Blackman who sadly is no longer with us hence my keeping it otherwise I might well have changed it by now . . . we thought it was funny! I admit it is a particularly kind if humour that not everyone gets! So many don’t and find it cloying, or pathetic or self consciously pleading for attention seeking but I just thought it was SO SO funny!

all the bestest of bests

mumbles dupree said...

Thanks Andy. I could and even often have listened to nothing but Los Lobos for days at a time. Same with the Heads and/or David Byrne. I drove from northeastern Ohio to central KS and on the way there & back to home again I listened to the discographies of each band (Los Lobos/Talking Heads/David Byrne) on a a couple of thumb drives. Others too, I remember Led Zeppelin.
Mister Brian Eno is another deep dive that I love to get into, and that includes folks that he's connected with - Phil Manzanera - Robert Fripp - Andy Mackay, King Crimson.
There was a time not all that long ago when I couldn't listen to anything except the first 2 Roxy Music albums, Phil Manzanera solo albums, Eno solo albums, & 801 recordings in no particular order but always followed by another from that particular list. It lasted for months, one to the other & back again but always one of those. Obsessive to say the least. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of listening to those folks and then one day, I could listen to other music again, very strange phenomenon.
The name of your blog is perfecto.
Also you are so lucky to have heard Brian Eno lecture, I'm certain that it must have been fascinating. Again, thanks so much. Be Well