portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Sunday, March 09, 2025

Nat Myers needs our help Fundraise and treatment care links contd . . . . . . "Hobo Wine” +

Nat Myers Performs Two Spirited Blues Tunes | Acoustic Guitar Sessions 

Just to keep Nat in the public eye (and hope my constant posts don’t seem virtue signalling or irritate but he is in need of our support) :
Nat Myers is fully absorbed by the blues; the sounds, the stories, the feeling. “There is no music that has touched the chambers of my heart the way that the blues has.” Myers still remembers the first time the blues touched him. As a kid he was driving cross-country with family, his father put on a tape of Carl Martin’s “Old Time Blues.” “I remember thinking, ‘What is this music? What is this song?’ I must have listened to that tape a hundred times in the car.” After studying poetry and teaching himself to play guitar (left-handed), Myers started sharing his own blues, first on the streets, busking in New York City, now touring around the world. Myers stopped by the Acoustic Guitar offices near San Francisco while touring with his latest record, "Yellow Peril." He played intricate, yet driving fingerstyle, on his Mavis resonator from Mule Guitars, stomping along with fervor. In early February 2025, Nat Myers, was admitted to the hospital. What he thought was a lung infection turned out to be multiple cancerous tumors on his heart. If you can spare something, please consider donating to his GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-nat-f... https://www.gnatmyers.com

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