portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Thursday, April 18, 2024

QUIZ : But WHO’S on drums?!


The George Lewis Ragtime Jazz Band of New Orleans in 1950

No google and no reverse engineering . . . .!!\

[well it’s okay nobody pays any attention to your quizzes anyway! - ED]


Gman said...

Excellent question. I can't quite recognize the drummer... What year was this picture taken?
Thanks, G.

Gman said...

Oh duh on me, 1950! I gotta read the fine print... Anyway, I don't know.

steVe said...

Mr. Bean?

Andy Swapp said...

Oh WOW! Well that caught me out! Sorry boys three (3!) count ‘em THREE!replies to me quiz! Why THAT’s UNHEARD OF! The last one had nobody nary a one and now three replies!!? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Well done SteVe BRILLIANT! and yes it does look like Mr Bean don’t it?!

Gman pay attention at the back!!! ( ha ha ha ha ha ha)

Now the thing is do you want another clue or me to just give you the answer?!
Well here’s a way to find out . . . . . . . . the guy on drums is not known for his drumming and quite what he was doing here is anyone’s guess but . . . . . . he started off as a fine fine stills photographer but soon became one of the greatest Film Directors of all time!!!
