portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Lorca’s Geraniums!

 (International Times’ Interviews Liverpool poet Brian Patten)

I.T. interviews Brian Patten 2020

Malcolm Paul

Liverpool poet talks Merseybeat, the U.S. Beats and more . . 

I bought this when it came out and it introduced me to a world where it turned out my generation could write poetry too!

I had been commenting on I.T.'s Facebook page and Malcolm encouraged me to check out the interview . . . . if you are into that era and British 
poetry then check it out. He shared ‘digs' with Brian Eno!

they were posting about Roger McGough


SEALY said...

Well this is all rather jolly.
In the days before I started the Nuggets fanzine I worked on an Arts Magazine at Brum Univ.
We had regular speakers at English Dept. and used to do interviews with them.
Adrian Henri was about the first I remember but one real highlight was to follow.
I was lucky enough to have an oldish banger and so was deployed to pick up Roger McGough from the station and therefore "had him to myself" on the two journeys. a real gent (as a cabbie in this position would say) such a dry sense of humour. Always loved his writing.

There were others that rode in my "cab"...front though, not back...........

Andy Swapp said...

Wow I tend to forget we are in the presence of a legend! (apologies!) the founder of Nuggets fanzine no less - people take note!

I can imagine you guys getting on. My old pal the brilliant artist Graham Dean was always a friend of Roger’s and always took great pains to stress what a thoroughly lovely chap he was!
Sealyman you should blog about those times! (did you ever? I don’t recall!) . . . . .other folks in the back seat?

Did you see my note about downloading from ATSE? How did you get on?
Been itching to find out!

all the very best to you anyhoo Sealy and more power to ya!


SEALY said...

Hahaha...Leg Ends come in all shapes and sizes

Your work here for so many years puts me a long way to shame.

As my messages show I'm here almost every day now and enjoying our chats very much indeed.

The downloading tip worked (natch) I should have said before.

Have a great weekend my friend


Andy Swapp said...

Oh cool! That's made my day!
We’re having the same difficulties over at Speedy’s site (So Many Roads - as some of us experiencing similar at Kraken which has changed it’s accessibility)

Anyhoo, always welcome here Sealyman!

Keep on Rockin’ In The Free World!!