portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Monday, June 24, 2024

Remembering Jeff Beck (24 June 1944 – 10 January 2023) Imelda May & Jimmy Page on Jeff

Imelda May : “He inspired, supported and encouraged me with every whoop, cheer, gasp and tear when I sang with him. He was the genius in the room yet he made everyone else around him feel special. He was dedicated to making pure art. Every single note he played could kill me with its beauty. His light was so blindingly bright it already feels dark without him. The greatest guitarist that ever lived.
“You’d listen to Jeff along the way and you’d say: ‘Wow, he’s getting really good,’” recalled Jimmy Page, when he was inducting Beck into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame (for the second time) as a solo artist in 2009. “Then you’d listen to him a few years later and he’d just keep getting better and better and better. And he still has, all the way through. He leaves us mere mortals just wondering.”
Photo by Fiona Adams

Don's Tunes


What Mama Said
and just because you deserve it . . . . . . . . . Here’s Jeff on the Jools’ Hootenanny!


Kostas said...

Great Jeff!

Andy Swapp said...

Isn’t it? . . . .forgive Don’s mistake as it is clearly Imelda May talking after he died and not Brian!

I will let Don Draper know!

as always Kostas good to see you here and always welcome my friend!