portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Gotta Serve Somebody!? | Bob Dylan song triggered this . . . . . A falling out between John Lennon and Bob Dylan!

No you don’t Bobby!

Serve yourself

It’s self service!

Remember Johnny’s response?

“I was listening to the radio and Dylan’s new single or album or whatever the hell it is came on,” he said, per Rolling Stone. “‘Everybody’s got to be served.’ I mean, what was it? ‘You’ve got to serve someone’… ‘You’ve got to serve somebody.’ So he wants to be a waiter now? A waiter for Christ.”

According to the former Beatle, the song’s “backing was mediocre … the singing really pathetic and the words were just embarrassing.” John Lennon



Bob Dylan — Gotta Serve Somebody. Portsmouth, England. 24th September, 2000 

Nightly Moth who posted this recording says:

I've replaced the audio with audio from recording of a 'crystal cat' recording of the show. Video from the caretaker's masters series. Thank you to him for these original videos/.. and to the taper of the audio!.. I have converted into a hd video with high audio bitrate ..so hopefully the quality is as good as it can be on youtube 

John Lennon ‘Serve Yourself’ home recording (June 1980)

You say you found Jesus Christ

He's the only one

You say you've found Buddha

Sittin' in the sun

You say you found Mohammed

Facin' to the East

You say you found Krishna

Dancin' in the streets

Well there's somethin' missing in this God Almighty stew

And it's your mother (your mother

Don't forget your mother, lad)

You got to serve yourself

Ain't nobody gonna do it for you

You got to serve yourself

Ain't nobody gonna do it for you

Well you may believe in devils and you may believe in lords

But if you don't go out and serve yourself

Lad, ain't no room service here

It's still the same old story

A bloody Holy War

A fight for love and glory

Ain't gonna study war no more

A fight for God and country

We're gonna set you free

We'll put you back in the Stone Age

If you won't be like me - get it?

You got to serve yourself

Ain't nobody gonna do for you

You got to serve yourself

Ain't nobody gonna do for you

Well you may believe in devils and you may believe in lords

'But Christ, you're gonna have to serve

Yourself and that's all there is to it

So get right back here it's in the bloody

Fridge. God, when I was a kid

Didn't have stuff like this, TV-fuckin'

Dinners and all that crap

You fuckin' kids are all the fuckin'

Same! Want a fuckin' car now

Lucky to have a pair of shoes!'

You tell me you found Jesus Christ

Well that's great and he's the only one

You say you just found Buddha

Sittin' on his ass in the sun

You say you found Mohammed

Kneeling on a bloody carpet facin' the East

You say you found Krishna

With a bald head dancin' in the street

('Well, Christ, now you're

Being heard')

You got to serve yourself

Ain't nobody gonna do for you

You got to serve yourself

Ain't nobody gonna do for you ('that's right

Lad, you better get that straight

Into your fuckin' head')

You got to serve yourself ('you know that, who

Else is gonna do it for you, it

Ain't me I tell you that')

Well, you may believe in Jesus, and you may believe in Marx

And you may believe in Marks and Spencer's

And you may believe in bloody


But there's something missing in this whole bloody stew

And it's your mother, your poor bloody

Mother ('she what bore you in the

Back bedroom, full of piss and shit and

Fuckin' midwives. God, you can't

Forget that awful moment, you know. You

Should have been in the bloody

War, lad, and you would know all about it

Well, I'll tell you something.')

It's still the same old story

A Holy bloody War, you know, with the Pope and all that stuff

A fight for love and glory

Ain't gonna study no more war

A fight for God and country, and the Queen and all that

We're gonna set you free

Bomb you back into the fuckin' Stone Age

If you won't be like me, you know, get

Down on your knees and pray

Well there's somethin' missing in this God Almighty stew

And it's your goddamn mother you dirty little git, now

Get in there and wash yer ears!


[Dec 1970]


God is a concept by which measures our pain

I'll say it again

God is a concept by which measures our pain 

I don't believe in magic

I don't believe in I-ching

I don't believe in Bible

I don't believe in Tarot

I don't believe in Hitler

I don't believe in Jesus

I don't believe in Jesus

I don't believe in Kennedy

I don't believe in Buddha

I don't believe in Mantra

I don't believe in Gita

I don't believe in Yoga

I don't believe in Kings

I don't believe in Elvis

I don't believe in Zimmerman

I don't believe in the Beatles 

I just believe in me, Yoko, and me, and that's reality

The dream is over

What can I say?

The Dream is over


I was the Dreamweaver

But now I'm reborn

I was the walrus

But now I'm John

And so, dear friends

You'll just have to carry on

The dream is over


Jobe said...

Obviously this song must have been considered for inclusion on some L.P. as there is an acoustic take of this song too. What album do you think he was thinking about putting it on?

Andy Swapp said...

Well given it was written about late-October/November 1979 it could only have appeared on Double Fantasy which by then was posthumously released isn’t it, yeah? It is largely considered he wrote his response after witnessing Dylan perform the song on “Saturday Night Live” appearing on 20 October 1979.

Andy Swapp said...

Jobe - Thanks as ever for dropping by bro