portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Guitar World | Glenn Hughes and Joe Bonamassa - BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION | Floppy Boot Stomp - Voodoo Wagon


"Joe and I had been hanging out, secretively making music, knowing that one day we'd do something. Four sessions later, we had an album”: How Glenn Hughes brought his low-end expertise into the spotlight with Joe Bonamassa and Black Country Communion” Glenn Hughes

Now I have said and started much argument about my not really caring for the mostly American gang of ‘heavy' metal guitarists [and several there who maybe don’t fit that bill] and dear Joe Bonamassa is one such but thanks to the boys at Floppy Boot Stomp and The Voodoo Wagon posting this on Facebook today I am always willing to re-consider. The sound of this bass with Hughes and Bonamassa here shredding his best is just staggeringly good . . .still not ENTIRELY my style of music but hey I can get behind that bass!

COLLIDE - Black Country Communion 

Getty Images

Mo’ gals!


Oh, Susannah!

How many balloons Nena!

Can’t do without our Debbie!

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