Wolves II - A. Swapp 2012 |
(I will celebrate my breaking the 60,000 visits with a piece of original writing.........Thank you people! Drop by again soon and you know you could always leave a comment!?)
Found this circulating
the web lately and it irritated the heck out of me
It's from 'Women who Run
with the Wolves' by Clarissa-Pinkola-Estes who is a noted poet and feminist writer of great renown and respect and whilst
I appreciate it is not meant literally, it struck me as so pretentious it deserved to be
challenged and is not based upon any knowledge of the wolf that I am aware of
and I possess a small library on the subject.
It is mystical nonsense like this
that has done the wolf in the wild the huge disservice of not being
considered for serious study until the 1940's.
It also strikes me it is mystical nonsense like this that has done the women's movement and all that preposterous 'Women are from Venus' bullshit that has done the women's movement no good what so ever either.
General Wolf Rules for
1. Eat
2. Rest
3. Rove in between
4. Render loyalty
5. Love the children
6. Cavil in moonlight
7. Tune your ears
8. Attend to the bones
9. Make love
Howl often
Who’s rules ARE these?
Not the wolf as we shall see and if you study them you will understand. Rules
for Women? Translates as; Eat, Sleep, wander about, conceive, breed, bring up
your cubs, nit pick over small things at night (You said it) Listen, take out
the trash, fuck and howl! Real feminist stuff there then!
Wolves III - A. Swapp 2012 |
More Specific Wolf
Rules For Life ( second
1. Eat whatever you
can kill - eat as often as you can, familiarise yourself with hunger because
you will know it. Eat what you will, avoiding vegetables, whilst it is still
alive ( it's about retaining and consuming the life force) go first to the soft body parts and viscera
whilst your prey is still breathing. What ever you can't eat, stash in caches to
eat later, don't worry about it rotting, when you are hungry you won't care
2. Rest as often as
you can for as long as you can. Others won't like it and call you lazy, so grab
every opportunity to do as little as possible
3. Try to stay put
(see above) only if absolutely necessary, move to get food. This may
require exertion but these days probably only if you are a wolf. There is a
commonly held misconception that we are filled with the nomadic impulse in some
romantic sense of wanderlust this is nonsense too. Everywhere is the same. The
only reason to move and ‘rove’ is if your food runs out.
4. Work out who is the
leader, fight if necessary to decide who leads. Once the decision is made be as
sycophantic as possible to your leader and his companion, curry favour with
those who hold the power.
5. Breed by all means
but watch out for that psychological stuff not the Oedipal/Electra sexual stuff
which largely is nonsense but there is weird head stuff; sons will steal your
crown and kill you if you if they can, daughters will go off with lone wolves
and forget all about you soon enough. Be grateful, for this
6. Revel (NOT cavil -
which means to quibble unnecessarily over small things - NEVER do this) or
dance in the moonlight. There is precious little time to dance, so do so when
the mood takes you. In moonlight primarily to reduce your chances of anyone
actually seeing you. Dad dancing is THE most embarrassing thing and should
never be witnessed
7. This is nonsense.
You cannot 'tune your ears'. If anything sing and listen, listen by all means at
your disposal, this is where life's great lessons come from. Listening? Do it!
8. Bury your dead.
Always. Attend to the dead and the ill, look after them and see them off
ceremoniously. It's only respectful.
9. Man is not the only
creature to use sexual intercourse recreationally. Enjoy it whilst you can,
remembering the females are in charge, even if you think they're not. They are!
Get it while you can
10. Howl by all means,
sing and shout and scream. Make a big noise and carry a big stick,
MAY AS WELL MAKE A NOISE WHILST YOU ARE HERE. No-one will remember anyway.
Wolves will tear you
apart given half a chance
There is a notion that
no healthy wolf has ever attacked a human. This is patent nonsense, if
they are hungry, and given the opportunity, they will kill and eat you ( see
no.1) Women who Run With The Wolves will get eaten! It doesn’t release the ‘wild
woman within’ it merely provides a pack animal with more prey.
Remember they
will start eating you before you are dead.
That's how much the wolf cares about you.