portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Peter Case - Truths, Half Truths and Outright Lies! 1989 | VOODOO WAGON

Peter Case - Truths, Half-Truths & Outright Lies: 

Peter Case Talks Politics, Religion and Baseball promotional cassette 1989

Peter Case
Truths, Half-Truths & Outright Lies: 
Peter Case Talks Politics, Religion and Baseball
promotional cassette

01 Mark Kates - Intro
02 Peter Case - Pedro
03 Peter Case - Peter talks
04 Peter Case - Put Down The Gun (studio)
05 Peter Case - Peter talks
06 Peter Case - Entella Hotel (studio)
07 Peter Case - Peter talks
08 Peter Case - This Town's A Riot (studio)
09 Mark Kates - Outro
 a Draftervois Special

Draftervoi says : "This is from a first generation copy of a promo cassette. 
 Sound quality is very good, so good that that I never bothered to bid on a 
copy of the real thing on Ebay.
 I don't have scans of the J-card but there was a cover on Discogs so I've included that.

This is a very short promotional cassette from 1989 to promote Case's second album, 
the verbosely titled
 "The Man with the Blue Post-Modern Fragmented Neo-Traditionalist Guitar.” 
 In keeping with the overly long name, the promotional cassette is named 
"Truths, Half-Truths & Outright Lies: Peter Case Talks Politics, Religion and Baseball.”

The longwinded title belies the brief contents of the cassette.
 The tiny bits of Case speaking add up to just two minutes. 
There's no deep dive into the depths of a current election, God, 
or whether the Dodgers will win the pennant. 
(Editor's Note: They didn't; it was the S.F. Giants that topped the West in '89). 

Announcer Mark Kates' introductory and concluding comments total thirty seconds 
more than Case's interviews and don't delve into religion, politics or baseball, either. 
 The title makes a promise the contents don't deliver.
There are three songs from Case's second LP If you don't know either Case 
or that LP, this is a good - but short - introduction to his work.
But if you own "The Man with the Blue Post-Modern Fragmented Neo-Traditionalist Guitar,” 
why would you need this?
Because buried on this promo is a rare song. One of Our Beloved Audience says the 
song is named "Pedro," "about Pedro Guerrero, Pedro is a Dominican former professional 
baseball player. He played fifteen seasons in Major League Baseball from 1978 to 1992 
with the Los Angeles Dodgers and St. Louis Cardinals. 
Found a reference to the song here - https://umgf.com/peter-case-hd-28v-t46355.html. 

With a title in hand, I was able to track down that while this song was unreleased 
at the time of this promo (1989), it eventually saw the light of day on Diamond Cuts: 
Top of the Sixth, a 2005 Various Artists compilation themed around baseball as a
 benefit for the Hungry For Music charity. Used copies can be found on Amazon. 
 There does not appear to be a Discogs listing for this specific volume, 
but other volume are listed there.
"Pedro" is the one thing that really connects with the longwinded title of this 
short promo cassette because it is indeed about baseball.
But speaking of longwinded, I've got to wrap this up here 
or it will take you longer to read this than to listen to it.

We had some Pete Case the other day so hence this from the Wagon 
and our Mutual Friend the always reliable draftervoi!

Peter Case - Small Town Spree here . . . .

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