portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Monday, September 23, 2024

Paul McCartney Set Designs 1966 | Rainy Days and Mondays


(seeing as how it is absolutely chucking it down here!? Raining so hard my daughter and the family is flooded in and the fire brigade have been rounded the forecast is a weather warning of two months rain in 24 hours! so the title seemed apt!!? !

From Beatles fan webpage blog Rainy Days and Mondays -

Reflectismo says "I recently came across a photo of 12 images Paul hand drew and annotated to be used as the set designs for Brian’s Saville Theatre. One of these was used for the Four Tops first ever UK performance at the venue during November of 1966.

In preparation for the upcoming performance, Brian needed appropriate backdrops for the Theatre. He commissioned Paul to come up with ideas for the stage designs. Paul presented the designs to Brian and John Lyndon, the Director of Productions at the Saville and one of the images was used as the backdrop. "

Annotations of each image from Designer Paul below! 

    1. 12 mirrors in which the audience catch a glimpse of themselves and entrance
    2. This way up
    3. Slow moving machinery
    4. Red curtains behind here, backed with silver, HINGES, this piece of the set falls on the stage revealing red curtains through which performers emerge, smiling.
    5. Festival set, entrance
    6. Silver, gold, entrance hole
    7. Plain comedy set, comedian enters through mouth, not smiling, crawling. Unnumbered design.
    8. Abc, slide view of this
    9. American set. British group 
    10. 3 black ducks
    11. Set for female vocalist or male, as the case may be
    12. 23 lights hang against background of silver, reflecting, and flickering

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