portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Van Morrison - The Bottom Line - New York 1978 | Floppy Boot Stomp

Van Morrison - The Bottom Line - New York 1978

A Silent Way Special

Silent Way also posts a vid of a complete concert from this same year and if you listen to one thing today . . . . 

MAKE IT THIS! [Disc and Vid!]

the band is a tight as gnat’s chuff!

This one for the Boss at HQ!
Van Morrison - Kingdom Hall - 10/6/1979 - Capitol Theatre, Passaic, NJ 

1 comment:

speedymjb said...

FYI - Van played an early and late show. here's a link to both - and the late show recording includes th emissing tracks. https://workupload.com/file/hftvAjEGrgG

And here's a link to his appearance of Saturday Night Live a few days later: https://workupload.com/file/SLJTYXarhDf