portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Thursday, September 12, 2024

"Storm Across The Sea" by Chuck Prophet & The Mission Express @ Moe's Alley, Santa Cruz on 16th May '24

Mo' Chuck! Check this action! 


SEALY said...

Particularly partial to this. A great reworking of an original from the fairly early solo days. Thanks Swappers

SEALY said...

Not sure of the protocol here posting a link. No offence intended!
It's the Chuckster's pal and a simply splendid rifftastic tune.
Hope you like it. CP and Alejandro have done a few things together....

Andy Swapp said...

Oh Sealyman! there is no protocol here buddy and will check it out and if I get to like it will undoubtedly post the results . . . laters as its late here but always feel free to post me links in the comments wherever you wish my friend!

SEALY said...

Great. That first link is Alejandro with his band knocking out the vibes and a tribute to Lou Reed!
This one is him fronting up with Minus 5 providing the backing(and killer lead) and back-up gals!!!! Treasure indeed