you will be sorely missed
and back around to Bobby . . . . . .
«Bob Dylan rolled back into my life again right after Broken English had come out. The album apparently stirred his interest and he began making inquiries about me. When he came to London for a tour, do you know what I did? I played him Broken English not once but several times. He was speechless – just like I had been when he'd played me Bringing It All Back Home. I turned the tables, I just did it all back to him. It was almost unconscious, like a playback. And he knew it. I played him Guilt – a self-explanatory song if there ever was one – and then I asked a little portentously: "Do you understand this?" I just sat there very grandly explicating my own songs. Out of nervousness, non stop. And he loved it! Over and over we played the album. At the end I was almost in tears for having gone through this album that had been so cathartic and autobiographical for me so many times. An evening of respect in my otherwise squalid life. Bob wanted to know how I'd got from my wall back into making records. Even to Dylan one doesn't just walk into a recording studio from living in a bomb site and start cutting a record. I just adore Bob Dylan. When mortals in Greek mythology encounter the Gods, they come away dazed and confused»
– M.F., 1994
or singing along with her own song
True indeed . . a total artist, her autobiography is amazing and a really good read
A sad loss of a legend who survived against all odds - RIP.
Spot on there Dell! So sad. . . . a vital force and uncompromising artist and no mistake
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