portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

‘EELS' Parts 1-5 Professor Hannah Fry

 Speaking of ‘EELS’ !! 

Ahem Tenuous Link of the Week Award goes to . . . . . . 


Not entirely sure why Professor Hannah Fry begins each volume the same way on these vids on EELS (I kid you not, bear with . . .) but it is fascinating . . . I first came across that fact that all eels come from one part of the sea ( The Sargasso Sea, you know in the Bermuda triangle!?!) but The Prof is on the case and explores what we know here . . . . . . . I LOVE it!

I think I posted volume one a while ago and then found the rest of those on her YouTube channel! 

apologies for the drop outs on here later videos here but I guess they have let The Prof know . . . . . . . either way it is still riveting! 

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