portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The legendary and quite unique guitarist musician Leo Kottke - Live Houston 1979 FM Broadcast | FLOPPY BOOT STOMP + with Lyle Lovett ‘You Can’t Resist it!

Leo Kottke - Live Houston 1979

Leo Kottke - at Rockefeller's
Houston, TX.
November 8, 1979
FM Source @128

Its a Silent Way Special

plus the whole thing on YouTube too


SEALY said...

Leo Kottke..Man I love his playing and I'll be back later with some links'n'stuff..

Andy Swapp said...

Oh please do sealyman! Always feel free to share here and I will post . . . . hurry back now, y’heeyah! 😉😎

SEALY said...

Having checked, it was 1990 when C4 broadcast a series of 6 30minute programmes called Road Dreams. ( you can find some of them on You Tube still.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOkcnVrdPbw).
I can't recommend them highly enough if you have ever dreamed about driving across America (long ago before all the 21st century shit..obviously).
Look here... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road_Dreams.

By 1990 I had certainly heard of Leo Kottke but watching the programme and wondering who played that amazing slide 12 string piece at the start started me off on a Kottke obsession and I collected most of his catalogue.
For me, more accessible than Fahey who I also revere (obv).

Just by the way I managed 2 Road Trips in 2004 and 2008.
Firstly from Dallas to Austin and then all the way across south Texas, New Mexico, Arizona (Tombstone etc!) and Southern California (Mojave Desert) to LA and up Highway 1 to San Francisco.
Secondly from SF up the coast through Oregon and Washington to Seattle and then back inland to SF (and Chuck Prophet at The Red Devil Lounge!).
Unforgettable stuff of course.....

Andy Swapp said...

Wow Dave! Awesome anecdote and thanks for the links we will check them out (obvs) take you post point about Fahey and Kottke too . . . .