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Tuesday, March 04, 2025

The Doors - Other Voices, The Doors - Full Circle | Plain & Fancy (Rockasteria)

The Doors - Other Voices / Full Circle 

(1971-72 USA 2015 double disc remaster)

This European import CD contains both Doors' LPs Other Voices (1971) and Full Circle (1972). John Densmore (drums/vocals), Ray Manzarek (keyboards/bass pedals/vocals) and Robbie Krieger (guitar/vocals) anticipated having new material readied once Jim Morrison returned from his sabbatical in Paris, France. As his vocals would not be forthcoming, the remaining three-piece lineup forged ahead to complete the tracks. With stylistic continuity bleeding over from L.A. Woman, Other Voices is considered the most cohesive of the pair with primary entries including the blues-fueled opener "In the Eye of the Sun" and the esoteric love song "Ships w/ Sails." Listen for guest musicians Ray Neapolitan (electric bass), Willie Ruff (standup acoustic bass), and Francisco Aguabella's unmistakable conga and percussion. The Doors prove their capabilities as a no-nonsense rock & roll trio on the raucous "Tightrope Ride." Manzarek does a tremendous job on Krieger's humbling "Wandering Musician," exemplifying a versatility that was often overshadowed in the Doors' earlier configuration. 

Like the aforementioned "Tightrope Ride," the concluding cut "Hang on to Your Life" bears philosophical queries that could be rooted in Morrison's conspicuous absence. Other Voices made it into the Top 40 pop album charts, although Full Circle (1972) -- the last full-length effort from Densmore, Krieger and Manzarek -- did not. One reason commonly cited when contrasting the two post-Morrison platters is Full Circle' s comparatively shorter and less productive maturation process. There are a couple of excellent cuts, such as "Verdilac." It is one of two selections with guest Charles Lloyd (flute/tenor sax) who also contributes to "The Piano Bird." The latter was written by Manzarek and bassist Jack Conrad. One incidental side note, still unissued in the digital domain is the Full Circle era B-side title "Tree Trunk" -- which could only be found on U.K. editions of the "Get Up and Dance" 45 rpm. 
by Lindsay Planer
Disc 1  Other Voices 1971 
1. In The Eye Of The Sun (Ray Manzarek) - 4:48
2. Variety Is The Spice Of Life - 2:50
3. Ships W/ Sails (Robby Krieger, John Densmore) - 7:38
4. Tightrope Ride (Ray Manzarek, Robby Krieger) - 4:15
5. Down On The Farm - 4:15
6. I'm Horny, I'm Stoned - 3:55
7. Wandering Musician - 6:25
8. Hang On To Your Life (Ray Manzarek, Robby Krieger) - 5:36
Songs 2,5,6,7 written by Robby Krieger
Disc 2  Full Circle 1972
1. Get Up And Dance (Robby Krieger, Ray Manzarek) - 2:25
2. 4 Billion Souls - 3:18
3. Verdilac (Robby Krieger, Ray Manzarek) - 5:40
4. Hardwood Floor - 3:38
5. Good Rockin' (Roy Brown) - 4:22
6. The Mosquito (John Densmore, Robby Krieger, Ray Manzarek) - 5:16
7. The Piano Bird (Jack Conrad, John Densmore) - 5:50
8. It Slipped My Mind - 3:11
9. The Peking King And The New York Queen (Ray Manzarek) - 6:25
10.Treetrunk - 2:52
Songs 2,4,9,10 written by Robby Krieger
Bonus Track 10

The Doors
*Ray Manzarek - Vocals, Keyboards
*Robby Krieger - Vocals, Guitar
*John Densmore - Drums
Disc 1  Other Voices 1971
*Jack Conrad - Bass Guitar (Tracks 1,2,4)
*Jerry Scheff - Bass (Tracks 5,6,7) 
*Wolfgang Melz - Bass (Track 8) 
*Ray Neapolitan - Bass (Track 3) 
*Willie Ruff - Acoustic Bass (Track 3) 
*Francisco Aguabella – Percussion (Tracks 3,8) 
*Emil Richards - Marimba (Track 5)
Disc 2  Full Circle 1972
*Chico Batera – Percussion (Tracks 7,9) 
*Leland Sklar - Bass (Tracks 4,6,8)
*Jack Conrad - Bass (Tracks 2,5,7,9), Rhythm Guitar (Track 7) 
*Charles Larkey - Bass (Tracks 3,7) 
*Chris Ethridge - Bass (Track 1) 
*Venetta Fields - Vocals
*Clydie King - Vocals
*Melissa Mackay - Vocals
*Bobbye Hall – Percussion (Tracks 3,7,9)
*Charles Lloyd - Tenor Saxophone (Track 3), Flute (Track 7)

Now I should say I didn’t like either of these album and The Doors without Jim was hard work for me . . . . I felt Other Voices was disrespectful to Jim’s memory having been hit so hard by his death in Paris at such an early age . . . . the dream seemed over with Altamont and Charlie Manson’s ‘creepy crawl’ murderous gangs stalking the hills of America . . . . . did I buy them? 

Course I did! On Vinyl here when they came out but to be honest never liked Ray’s singing and the songwriting although featured Robbie who had let’s face it written some fine fine Doors hits (Touch Me, Two Times and Light My Fire!)

 they all seemed ersatz buy comparison . . . . . . I had to wait to hear American Prayer which I still enjoy and of corse it featured remixed Jimbo poems and so on . . . . .

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