portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Humble Pie Rehearsal Demos 1991 - Stevie Marriott & Pete Frampton | HEAR ROCK CITY

 The last knockings? 

the LAST ROCKINGS more like

This is nice . . some hard rockin’  after the Mod Father found his so called ‘pub rock’ roots there came this . . . . . . who can say where it would have taken them . . . . . .sadly this is said to be the last effort caught on tape before Stevie was killed in the car crash! Lovely hard quality and well worth it!

Smoker says - "Said to be the last sessions by Steve Marriott 
who along with Peter Frampton were working in 
the studios  in Los Angeles early 1991
 on songs for a possible Humble Pie reunion album.
Here are 12 good sounding tracks from those sessions
Unfortunately the project would end with the 
sad untimely death of Steve Marriott  in April 1991."

Hear Rock City

Brother Jobe already bin there!?

This is for him . . . sneaky!   ‘e gets about tha knows!
Humble Pie 12 minutes of bliss! - ROLLING STONE

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