portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Controversy emerges!

FAG ASH LIL dons Black Face !

This album cover is being discussed of late and I for one was appalled and never bought it. Mitchell can claim her being told she had a ‘black man’s teeth’ as much as she likes but that is no reason to exploit your own whiter than white attributes. It was a clearly a totally ill-advised mistake and a racist misstep of gargantuan arrogance and then some. Did she do it in a moment of ill advised ego? 
Well then you wouldn’t do it again at parties would you!?

drugs and wealth can addle a person’s judgment but please get help, get advice and guidance. Heck get therapy! Morgellons’? Yup psychosomatic lunacy!
Black face?

Get rid!

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