portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Thursday, March 07, 2024

Bob and Rabindranath Tagore by Diamond Dave

 My pal and ‘neighbour’ Diamond Dave dropped by to say:


Bob Dylan is not the first songwriter to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. The Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913. Tagore’s work, like Dylan’s, recreates tradition and crosses genres. 

Books often win prizes and authors often help others to win prizes. However, few authors write a book that assists someone else to win the highest accolade in the world of literature. 

Christopher Ricks wrote a book called “Dylan’s Visions of Sin”.

Christopher Ricks was a student at Balliol College before becoming a Fellow at Worcester College in Oxford. He then took up a teaching post at Boston University in the USA in 1968. He was knighted in 2008. Sir Christopher Ricks is considered to be one of the most eminent scholars of English Literature ever produced by Oxford University.

His book was a scholarly work about the lyrics of Bob Dylan. It was published in 2004. 

In 2016, Bob Dylan, the man who was born and brought up in St. Louis County, Minnesota was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
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In addition and to add my four penn’orth! Whilst I worked at MOMA here in Oxford we did a number of Indian shows not least a wonderful show of Wayside Shrines but also contemporary Indian Artists and another featuring Tagore! Which shamefully was the first time I had heard of him and read a fair bit about him and by him. Wonderful writer!

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