portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Singles bought when they came out | What a Fool Believes - The Doobie Brothers

 Now this is another from the ex-juke box bargain bins that record shops used to have and being thrifty (skint! ask a Brit!) I pursued several around town and in bargain shops . . . . .this song haunted me for the longest time and the voice of MacDonald intrigued me . . . .BUT there is something odd about this it seems to me and that is there is a discordant note in it and it trips me up every time . . . anyone else? We have mentioned this song before but it always strikes me and I would need to know my music theory to note it better and determine what is going on but if you hear it, you hear it! If you don’t well what can I say . . . . . . ?

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