portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Fairport Convention: Discography 1968 - 1971 + Meet On The Ledge | Urbanaspirines

 Wow this is incredibly flattering name checked an all and Kostas pulls out all the stops here with a profile of Fairport Convention dedicated to yours truly this is indispensable if you don’t have anything or even that much. 

I think I first bought the single Si Tu Dois De Partir by them as a single and we loved it, playing it at house parties and the local youth club until mine wore thin! We scarcely knew it was a Bob Dylan number sold or pushed through Tin Pan Alley of the day. We simply didn’t care (then!) 

I think I followed them avidly ever since and certainly Unhalfbricking and What We did On Our Holidays fell into the vaults collection upon their first release. I caught up with Richard solo work around the time of Across a Crowded Room and Daring Adventures his solo outing thanks to fine artist Graham Dean who sang his praises and I have bought everything ever since. Cropredy is just a few miles away from where I live and we have been across a few times to the little (sic) festival there . . . . . . . Kostas tells us:

Widely accepted as being the first great English electric folk group, Fairport Convention is that and far more. It would be safer to say they are simply one of the greatest English groups of all. They began their career with a repertoire of traditional material, some originals and a veritable jukebox of American new folk, they soon developed their own niche as interpreters of murder ballads, sly tales of yore and deeply thought out, planned and executed concept pieces. . . . . . read on

Seven (count ‘em!) official first albums and the compilation double album Meet On The Ledge!  THE CLASSIC YEARS 1967 - 1975 released in 1999

Superb effort from Kostas here and once again I have no idea how he masters such output so fast and so thoroughly frequently daily! This is most welcome and doubtless sorts my playlist for the next few months!


Kostas said...

Incredible band my friend. I discovered them in the late 70s.

Andy Swapp said...

Cool stuff Kostas and thanks so much for the shout out!
Unexpected and much appreciated!
Love the Fairports individually and collectively in all their guises but probably Richard Thompson above all!
The maestro!
Thanks Kostas again
Always welcome here

SEALY said...

A fitting tribute amongst great Bloggers.

L & L

No finer run of three
Matched by



Your turn.......

Andy Swapp said...

Oh nice one Sealyman!
Good shout there my friend!






to start with?

SEALY said...

I might need clues to some of these!!!

Stevie Wonder's purple patch and Zep so far

SEALY said...


SEALY said...


Andy Swapp said...

. . . . . and ?

You’re missing one . . . . . . . possibly the MOST classic!?


SEALY said...


Just looked and saw it straight away

I had a big trawl through all the Beatles stuff last Christmas.

For folk of our age it has such resonance...very hard to beat indeed

Andy Swapp said...

Ha ha ha ha BRILLIANT! Nice one Dave I knew I didn’t need to give you a clue . . . . .my only snag is it (like Stevie Wonder?) it is a four really and I woulda’t/couldn’t leave out AR their last album! Only broken by LIB but that wouldn’t make it for me! So it interrupts the flow of the threes back to back waffle waffle mutter mutter . . . . . . .

SEALY said...

Its only a four if you go Rev Pep White isn't it?
Rubber Revolver Pepper are all single albums

Neil "In the Ditch " trilogy is a different kind of triumph I think

Andy Swapp said...

Oh I get you Dave but I think of many of these as triumvirates (Wonder, Bowie, Henrix etc) not the Beatles so much . . . . . juss me! Can’t do His Bobness like that either! His entire pantheon blows me totally away . . . . .
Led Zepp the classic illus the first album I was sure was from creatures from another world after III I gave up and thought 4 was rubbish!

SEALY said...

Interesting. I found the early Zep a bit too heavy and Screechy to be honest.
The only album of their's that I play is 4!! Otherwise just certain songs..Gallows Pole eg.

The "three" things was just consecutively released albums that were all truly consistently top notch

First 3 Steely Dan would be another one for me

Andy Swapp said...

Wow! Fascinating Dave! Led 1 totally blew me away when it came out as did two and three marg8nally less so) and still like it now (went back to it a few years ago now) but Steely Dan never really floated my boat until reading my Burroughs collection and realised where the name came from but there the connection eluded me and don’t think I own any (I am aware of them of course but only recently tried to appreciate them more!!) ain’t music GREAT!
Bestestest of the bests as always