So after an appointment for yet another scan at the local Churchill Hospital in the city (I’m a regular!) I determined to see if I could get through to a site that has longed intrigued me and I had heard of for years yet never been able to visit and I found out about it through the Friends* thereof on Facebook. Certain clues (above) seemed to tell me I was on the right track
Whilst still in the grounds of the Hospital technically I did find the increasing beauty of the grounds telling me that I was headed in the right direction . . . .
Clear signs that the local houses needed access too
The grounds still looked lovely
until eventually I found this next a muddy stream
Only to discover the redoubtable Dr Judy Webb OBE a part of the team who looks after the site and chair person of the group that runs things, here in situ hard at work
she’s counting frogspawn! (of course!)
The valley is very beautiful despite being almost within the city limits
the central brook is ancient and well tended
parts of it look like works of art to my eye!
informative too
it is however quite damp underfoot!!!
the local City council has done its best to support and notes contributions from BBOWT and The National Lottery amongst others
overall a success and very beautiful and I will head back when I can
Their info is here and worth following of befriending on Facebook!
So happy to have finally made it up to the Valley this morning a 17 mile round trip on Little Alex the Scooter!) for another detailed liver scan which went as expected but MUCH more importantly managed to get to see the Lye Valley after all this time and so happy to be able to greet and thank Dr Judy (Webb) the Chair Person of the conservationists looking after same (she was counting frogspawn of course but had time to greet a fan) such a magical place and though a dull day, it was full of volunteer folks working on the place, scything and digging and yes, counting frogspawn. Nice 2.5 mile walk! Made my day, well week, heck made my YEAR! Well done all Friends of The Lye Valley 💚🪵🦎🌱🐸🍃
* Friends of Lye Valley on Facebook
Took loads of photos and was able to personally thank a crew of hardworking volunteers working on the brook and surrounds. Made my week! A bucket list tick off right there. ✔️
1 comment:
Fabulous change of pace there Andy. All looking good for the Soul.
3 days in the "more obvious" Lake District last week worked for me. I'm "doing" all the Hills for my second time round....3/214 to go now.
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