portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Friday, August 30, 2024

Artist, genius or monster |John Philips’ birthday

 John Phillips was born in Parris Island, South Carolina on this day in 1935.  he would have been 90. He died at 65 from the long term effects of drug and alcohol addiction

The darkest hour is just before the dawn.

“but did he have his darkest hour then?"



Mind you lest we forget 

Something of a tortured (over indulged?) soul, the accounts of his private life leave me hugely conflicted about him and whether in fact he is a monster or not; from the ‘relationship’ with his daughter (sic) Mackenzie (who most, I will allow, other family members do not believe in the ten years plus abusive relationship but many others did including her sister Chynna and Denny Doherty’s daughter) to the account of his heroin addiction (where is it published, in what book, the account of his ending up shooting up every fifteen minutes?!) I am not so sure we should celebrate the accident of his birth but hey an ‘interesting’ pop Svengali figure for sure! An Eric Gill of his times . . . . . .possibly?


Pedophile incestuous junkie? Maybe a bit harsh but is it? 

Chynna Phillips on Sister McKenzie's Incest

Mackenzie Philips on her autobiography ‘High on Arrival’

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