portrait of this blog's author - by Stephen Blackman 2008

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Sound/Singer of the Day | Harry Nilsson - One

Someone posted this on Flickenbokker t’other day and I forgot how good it was. I went through a phase of collection budget and bargain bin Nilsson and always appreciated he could really SING!
Not always to my taste in song choice but this is the man who made ‘Without You’ a singer’s tour de force endnote many could cover it (well) and yet his story is kinda tragic after the Lennon hanging out became the mother of all Lost weekends (lasting eighteen moths?) which really showed everyone, if not Harry, that hanging around with alcohol is co-dependancy gone raving mad, Ringo, Alice Cooper et al . . . . . . . Harry treated his voice appallingly and knew it; the smoking and drinking damaging his vocal chords as the days flew by in a hurtling fall into oblivion! 

Enjoy this at his peak


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